sausage links

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

back again.

i have been crazy busy and alternately withdrawing because of grump-making lameness, which is EFFING UP MY AWESOME FALL!

just to cap off Summer, Santa Barbara had this brutal week-long heatwave which culminated in my car TOTALLY OVERHEATING! i could not get into my mechanic until 4 days later, and when i did i found out my car was going to cost $1,300! add to that that A's registration is due, and he also found out it was going to cost about $700 to move his practice studio, all in one day.

so i was grumpy and didnt work on my journal like i wanted to before all that went down.

additionally, the output jack of my new(ish) camera jack is shorted so taking pictures is not fun. i finally got the scanner back in order, but scanning was not working since i have to glue like 40 pounds of stuff to each page.

regardless, the colours of my pages are all off. i would take the shots outside during the day, but i never have time! i only get some peace after Severin is in bed!

i am just going to post the first one where i left off for now because there are about 10 of them as i took so long to upload!

Journal Prompt: The colors of Fall. What do they look like where you are from? Which colors stick out, which colors amaze you? Document it :)
- goodness... i started and destroyed this one many times, i wasnt liking how any of them were coming out. i was over-thinking it. finally, i settled on keeping it simple and i came up with this, which i like. also, the tree is brown, not black, like it looks.

i am going to try my best to keep up from now on, it sure is hard to just sit down and get your thoughts out and be creative on a timeline.

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